Charity Entry Form

Documentation Requirements and Trading Restrictions

A copy of your Public Liability Insurance schedule showing cover of at least £1million is required. We understand that your insurance may expire prior to the festival but please
supply your current schedule. We will need a copy of the renewed schedule prior to the Festival.

Risk Assessment
Kindly supply a copy of your risk assessment covering the setup, operation and take down of your stall.

Food Hygiene Certificates
If you handle food items on your stall e.g. cakes, pick and mix sweets etc. we require a copy of your food hygiene certificates.

Trading Restrictions
To be fair to all traders and concession holders we limit the number of traders selling similar products. Pitches are allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
The sale of or giving as prizes of alcohol, live animals and age restricted items is strictly prohibited.

The Fine Print

Information provided will be stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for management of the event and promotion of future events.

Requests for data review or mailing list removal should be made to the address below.

Black Country Boating Festivals Ltd assumes no responsibility or liability for any item left on site.

Entry is subject to BCBF Terms and Conditions available on request.